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How a Nanotechnological revolution could save people from Cryopreservation and bring an end to the aging process

by Dr. Lovasz Colin ~Ultimate Nanotechnologist~                  The truth is that we live our life accumulating experience and becoming better and better at everything day by day, then suddenly when the man is mature enough mentally and physically, and wise enough, the aging process will make its debut, reducing your capabilities more and more till you'll remain just a shadow from what you once were and constantly degrading your body till you gonna die, then suddenly everything you ever accumulated plus a brilliant carrier, a wise mind, and enough money, you gonna lose everything, all the important memories, decisions and everything you ever achieved will remain lost for eternity, so many important people we lost because of the aging process and death and it must be stopped once and for all, such smart and sentient organisms as humans are too unique and precious and do not deserve to die and be reduced to dust. What are we gonna do with Death? We will still accept the stupid and i

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