How a Nanotechnological revolution could save people from Cryopreservation and bring an end to the aging process

by Dr. Lovasz Colin
~Ultimate Nanotechnologist~                 

The truth is that we live our life accumulating experience and becoming better and better at everything day by day, then suddenly when the man is mature enough mentally and physically, and wise enough, the aging process will make its debut, reducing your capabilities more and more till you'll remain just a shadow from what you once were and constantly degrading your body till you gonna die, then suddenly everything you ever accumulated plus a brilliant carrier, a wise mind, and enough money, you gonna lose everything, all the important memories, decisions and everything you ever achieved will remain lost for eternity, so many important people we lost because of the aging process and death and it must be stopped once and for all, such smart and sentient organisms as humans are too unique and precious and do not deserve to die and be reduced to dust.

What are we gonna do with Death? We will still accept the stupid and inefficient biological systems designed by dumb evolutionary phenomena and natural selection to degrade and disintegrate us? To live means to live in the glory of power and under the shadow of death. 

Each one of us knows that we will die, but we spend most of our lives happily ignoring that fact and concentrating on religious fantasies, but once you die you lose everything not just your life, including your very own existence.

We have to fight for our own Immortality and Technological Transcendence with the same power as a dictator, this is the war for our lives already and we must put everything we have on the table to win.

We have to acknowledge that most people alive today will die at a certain point and cryostasis is a great opportunity to prolong our existence enough till the exponential progress will accelerate to such high velocities resulting in a Technological Singularity.

In essence, the science that deals with cryopreservation is basically known as cryobiology, and the current level of Cryostasis enables us to place a human patient in a form of biological stasis at cryogenic temperatures, where a cryopreserved patient can be maintained in this condition indefinitely without suffering additional degradation into liquid nitrogen even for a whole century, but cannot yet be successfully revived using currently available technology for at least few decades, but anyway into cryostasis scenario humans could remain like that for a very long time till the required technology will be developed.

Going further into the future, in the year 2070 more precisely, by then already sextillion times more powerful hypersentient A.Is based on quantum nanocomputers and Zetattechnology, functioning at Petahertz speeds and operating on hundred sextillion parameters, molecularly engineered inside Nanofactories will be finally capable to bring you back from cryostasis and at this level already will utilize a variety of imaging modalities that are used to provide extensive information about the cellular structure throughout the immobilized tissue down at the nanoscale, then the external quantum computer-guided repairs would come to possess detailed structural information of the entire system down to the cellular and molecular level, figuring the precise configuration of the finest biological nanostructures.

Then these omniscient forms of artificial intelligence with quantum computing capability would be capable of instantly analyzing at the atomic and molecular scale all existing mechanisms of bio-functionality and appropriate repair strategies could be automatically initialized. 

In my opinion, even very serious damage could be analyzed, the original healthy state-determined or copied from an already healthy body, and appropriate repair strategies could be adopted instantly by quantum computing algorithms. 

Then in the second part, the Molecularly Engineered omniscient A.I will have to act by now on Fracture Stabilization, cellular reconstruction, and biological reanimation since current cryopreservation methods create more than a trillion fractures per certain body portions, some of which can have gaps that are tens or even hundreds of microns across and unstabilized such fractures would cause further tissue deterioration upon warming, destroying the organs.

At the next stage, the Godlike A.I based on quantum nanocomputers will start to develop different lasers and precisely guided programmed microwaves capable of deep level penetration and precisely controlled molecular vibrations to increase your temperature and once some degree of fluidity is reintroduced into the cells and organs, the repair process can now begin to be initialized. 

In particular, some proteins have likely been denatured during the cryopreservation process, and most proteins should spontaneously recover, then the A.I will start to use its immense quantum computing capability to identify and calculate in close proximity all those that are not capable to recover and then either act upon them with advanced molecular nanomechanisms or mechanically initialize their recovery.

If any significant fraction of proteins failed to recover, the cells will not spontaneously survive and reanimate, and in those cases where critical functionality does not spontaneously recover with sufficient rapidity, it should be possible to introduce new properly folded proteins and artificial equivalents of them at an appropriate temperature to take over the critical functions that have been compromised, and then the cells will resume their normal functioning, but also we need to be able to repair back the chromosomal deterioration inside every cell. 

Re-denaturation of proteins can largely be avoided by delaying repairs to higher temperatures in a series of stages depending on which repairs are needed at various temperatures.

But since the cells are all the same in a type of organ and the way they are organized differs it will be possible to scan healthy cells and rebuild them in the same manner (excepting the brain) where a certain precise configuration is required.

In the next stage, the A.I will then analyze the imbalances in the concentrations of specific chemicals caused by the cryopreservation processes and the changes prior to cryopreservation, while the concentrations of neurochemicals, hormones, sodium, potassium, other ions, ATP, glucose, oxygen, and many other metabolites and chemicals are at chaotic values will have to be precisely adjusted. 

As the tissue becomes more fluid, the cryoprotectants and certain toxic molecules will then have to be removed and the concentrations of any specific chemical should be measured and adjusted by the nanomachines.

At some higher temperature, with sufficient fluidity for DNA to flow, the fractures could be molecularly brought together by advanced nanomechanisms and nanorobotic systems, and even fracture gaps as large as 0.5 millimeters can be restructured since all the individual nanomechanisms and nanorobotic systems in a large block of tissue can be simultaneously manipulated as an incremental three-dimensional internal system of restructuration which to slowly heal the fractures and deterioration.

Going further, the damaged mitochondria inside the cells should simply be removed and replaced with new, functionally correct mitochondria or an artificial system to replace them, and this could be done with every nanostructure inside the cells.

After the patient has been repaired, stabilized, and warmed to conditions of the right temperature, metabolic activities can be re-established.

In the final analysis, aging and death have only one cause which is programmed molecular and chromosomal deterioration, or simply the atoms and molecules in our bodies have moved from their proper positions, and wrong molecules and atoms have moved into positions where they should not be.

We have to recognize that our bodies are advanced biological molecular machinery that generates our lives and biological activity by handling and positioning molecules at the molecular level, and a biological molecular machine should be defined as a large molecule that manipulates other molecules, one at a time.

Advanced nanorobots fabricated at the molecular scale inside Nanofactories will keep all human body cells in perfect repair, preventing disease and aging and reprogramming our genetic software of operation. 

For example, we need advanced nanorobots as the chromallocyte which could locate, penetrate and enter inside the cell nucleus where advanced nanorobotic arms and mechanisms could be introduced into the nucleoplasm, where these nanorobotic devices could replace old damaged chromosomes with new ones in every cell, or with artificial ones, or simply manipulate the genetic code inside the cells and update it and control every process into the cell in this manner.

By coupling the activity of onboard repair nanorobots to off-board nanocomputational systems, the overall repair process could be guided by massive molecular nanocomputers with quantum computing capability located outside of the patient and molecular scanning of the tissue would provide damage estimates at specific sites, including a detailed mapping of fractures and molecular deterioration of biological structures.

During surgery, in fact, the surgeon's scalpel slices through millions of cells moving trillions of molecules out of their proper positions and destabilizing functional nanostructures, while at the cellular level, every surgical procedure is an unbelievably crude operation. The surgeon relies heavily on the molecular machinery of the body to put things back in position after the surgery is over without being capable to repair everything back as it was, with every molecule in the precise position.

If we could develop machines the size of viruses to continuously and efficiently scan and manipulate the molecules of our bodies, augmenting the natural molecular machinery in our bodies, we would never get sick, and such maintenance would have to include getting rid of the molecules that aren't supposed to be there.

When an unfriendly bacteria or virus invades our bodies, the immune system initializes a defense against the invasion, but the production of antibodies is certainly too slow and inefficient, and the battle of antibody vs. invader is basically a battle of protein vs. protein production, whereas in many cases the outcome of the battle is not always favorable for the human, the virus wins and your system is destroyed.

If our natural antibodies were augmented by artificial self-replicating antibodies made of nanofiber composites and guided by virus-sized nanocomputers more powerful than today's supercomputers, no intruder would have a chance of infecting us.

If similar artificial molecular machines were continuously analyzing our cells for damage, our DNA for mutations or the chromosomes for deterioration, and constantly measuring the level of degradation inside the biological nanostructures should be capable of precisely quantifying the level of damage and making precise repairs, we would essentially see the end of aging and of all-natural causes of death.

Advanced nanorobotic machines capable of cellular and chromosomal repair enabled by molecular nanotechnology will not only prevent the natural causes of death but most death caused by trauma or accidents as well, it will also essentially strengthen our cellular structures turning our body indestructible in the real sense of the word, should also adjust the genetic errors and it will constantly adjust and upgrade our biological systems according to newer specifications and updates.

Artificial molecular machines should perform precise repairs unimaginably faster than the natural healing process, almost instantly, all operating in parallel at immense speeds, and if an injury is so severe that it overwhelms the artificial healing process, the molecular machines will be able to place the body into biostasis, halting all further damage until more nanotech will be in position for direct restructuration, replication, and molecular reconfiguration.


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