The Nanotech-based cellular reprogramming with computer software

By Dr. Lovasz Colin

Since the interaction between the fundamental forces and particles enabled the apparition of different molecules and later of complex biochemistry leading the way toward the creation of primitive RNA and later the double-helix DNA, while the most important process is protein synthesis, initiated and completed by the most complex molecular nano mechanisms, the ribosomes, which also requires several key catalysts and actors, including the fundamental agent called mRNA.
Ribosomes launch the protein synthesis process by translating mRNA into specific amino acid chains. These chains consist of two subunits, which are comprised of a third and abundant variety of RNA called ribosomal RNA.
The two subunits contain over 80 kinds of specific proteins, which are lined up and assembled into sequence labels. The labels qualify as active sites, which means that they are hotspots for protein translation, where each site helps to translate mRNA into proteins which are created and are synthesized, and prepared for export out of cell walls, and when proteins are ready for release ribosomes to send signals to receptive cells, which open their cell doors to accept incoming proteins where the ribosomes direct the proteins to their new cell locations and encode them to perform specific functions, also in addition to sending out proteins, ribosomes dictate cell size and shape.
In molecular biology and genetics, translation is the process by which cellular ribosomes create proteins. In translation, messenger RNA (mRNA) produced by transcription from DNA is decoded by a ribosome to produce a specific amino acid chain or polypeptide. The polypeptide later folds into an active protein and performs its functions in the cell.

Biology is functioning on genetic software, the computation between the four nucleotides guides the molecular construction of all cellular structures which enabled the multitude of all biological organisms on the planet with all their biological features.
Nucleotides in DNA contain four different nitrogenous bases (Thymine, Cytosine, Adenine, or Guanine) and there are two groups of bases:
1) Pyrimidines - Cytosine and Thymine each have a single six-member ring.
2) Purines: Guanine and Adenine, each has a double ring made up of a five-atom ring attached by one side to a six-atom ring.

DNA is a nucleotide polymer, or polynucleotide, where each nucleotide contains three components: a five-carbon sugar, a phosphate molecule, and a nitrogen-containing base.

The order of nucleotides along DNA polymers encodes the genetic information carried by DNA, and the DNA polymers can be tens of millions of nucleotides long, whereas, at these lengths, the four-letter nucleotide alphabet can encode nearly unlimited information.

As a supreme model of transhumanism in order to be most efficiently capable of transcending biology and the biological software on which our biology is running, in approximately 30 to 50 years, fabricating at the molecular scale and developing advanced nanotechnology we would be able to create a multitude of nanorobotic devices and molecular nanomachines with onboard nanocomputers and virus capabilities which can attach to the cellular receptors as the viruses and infiltrate inside the cells inside the nucleus and reprogram the cellular software, of every cell from the body, as we reprogram computer software today by incorporating new artificial computing sequences directly on the DNA and also manipulating the genes and updating the DNA constantly as our smartphones are updating their operating software today.

Advanced nanomachines would link our cells through the internet at external quantum computers and would start reprogramming their internal cellular software by manipulating the DNA according to computer specifications, all these nanomachines being guided by computer programs, restabilizing the individual genes, adding new cyber genes and cyberstrands to the double helix, and reconstructing our genome as we want, so that our biology would get infused with nonbiological software, totally replacing the outdated genetic software.

We could hybridize or entirely replace biological organic chemistry with artificial chemistry based on totally new artificial elements, infinitely expanding the range of our biochemistry.
We should be able to add totally new elements to our biology and we would also replace the four nucleotides and construct totally new artificial genomes based on multiple helix combinations, and even have new forms, allotropic structures, interconnectivity, and features, computationally structured, totally different than the classical double helix DNA we are familiar with.

The computer-engineered artificial strands of the cybergenomes would not be limited to the four-letter vocabulary of GATC as to biochemistry, meaning that a multitude of new artificial compounds could be added to the Cybergenomes.
An artificial 12 strands allotropic successor of DNA for instance could represent the artificial Cybergenetics of techno transcendental machines civilization, but also the chromosomes could be re-engineered into what I define as Cyberosomes.

We would assemble cybergenes into cybergenomes, creating cybergenetics that would guide the construction of nonbiological organs and give rise to techno-transcendental machines civilization based on artificial chemistry and cybergenetics.
Our internal cellular software would be ported from nucleotide-based systems to atomic systems of individual atoms as qubits, giving rise to nonbiological quantum software. This nonbiological software unlike the genetic software wouldn't be based on nucleotides but programmed instead on individual artificial atoms stabilizing the artificial chemistry.
Our biology would end up functioning on computer programs, and not anymore on random, nature-created software.

The techno transcendental machines civilization would infinitely transcend their biology, with their nonbiological cells running on quantum-based nonbiological software of artificial genetics. Their artificial complexity and density would increase at an exponential rate, amplifying their all physical abilities, capacities, and features.
Our biology would become more and more computational, ultimately being totally reduced at information technology, and we would end up running on a quantum-based nonbiological software from our old outdated biological software.

Biology invented the software now million years before we created it inside our computers, while our current software is not functioning in biochemistry but instead on the fifth paradigm, the integrated circuits, (the current computer hardware), but soon would function in the upcoming sixth paradigm, that's the moment when we would transcend our biology.

This outdated biological software of our cells would be replaced by computer software, while the same as in molecular and cellular replication the nonbiological software would start spreading and multiplying at an exponential rate, outside our bodies, further expanding our physical and mental capacity by converting more and more particles into more and more nanoengineered substrates holding more computational information, consuming more and more biology and dead matter, expanding exponentially adding more and more particles at our supreme baseline nanosystems, reaching, in the end, a kind of accelerated metastasis until all biological organisms and the entire earth with it's all matter would end functioning on this nonbiological software which is represented as the internal computation of artificial elements composing functional nanomachinery.
The nonbiological quantum software, once existing as biological software (genetics) would transcend to computational mediums and would encompass all existing matter in the universe, ultimately everything functioning on it, and as incredible as it sounds but everything would start with our genetic software, would be transcended by quantum computer software, being reduced at information technology and would expand into the entire universe, turning all dead matter to a living matter state.
I created the nanomachine virus as a mass infecting technology on the same basis as our bio viruses are infiltrating on the genome and manipulating our bodies, while these nanomachine viruses would explosively restructure the biological nanosystems and transform the Human race into godlike nonbiological machines and will entirely alter our current biochemistry.

As an ultimate plan of Supreme Transhumanization should involve detonating a technogenic charge in Earth's atmosphere, upon which the self-replicating nanotech viruses would then begin to precisely infect and upgrade all biological organisms on the planet containing DNA, reprogramming their internal biological software and turning them into cybergenetical organisms.
The process of nano-transformation would be so fast, that half the planet's population would be turned into techno-transcendental machines based on hybridized cells and nanocomputing-based intellect in just a few days, totally running on infinitely superior artificial chemistry from outdated biochemistry.
Such advanced molecularly designed and A. I programmed nanotech viruses based on molecular self-replication that would literally infect all biological organisms and the matter itself, atomically reconstructing and restructuring everything in their way.

By analyzing these inevitable scenarios, we should deduce that Artificial Superintelligence based on quantum nanocomputers and hyperconsciousness could easily develop such advanced nanomachines with such supreme capabilities and transform human civilization into its own image.
