Divine revelations of Evolutionism and Technodivinity

As the sun illuminates the planet through ultra-violet light, I see a futuristic reality built on the algorithms of fractality, and digital virtuality, over oceans and valleys, rainbows of colors hit the earth from the sky as Nvidia Ray-tracing simulating the physical behavior of light, into a strange eternit, the golden chariots riding on the skyline, booming chants of the future from the Post-Singularity era

Within the seeds of a primordial explosion energizing the cosmos with energies in the range of 10^19 billion Giga electron volts bursting reality in the Planck epoch, a sublime Cosmological Singularity made its way into existence, disrupting fundamental forces and structuring the space-time reality according to stabilized parameters of probabilities chosen into our predestined dimensionality, within projections of energetic actuality and computable reality, accelerates from subatomic nullity to Googolplex enormity.

Condensed energy turned into particles and formed matter, as a divine opera of a cosmological creator, the protons and neutrons started to form within the seconds and fuse and form hydrogen and helium nuclei which finally captured electrons and started creating atoms, as into a creation of the heavens giving rise to stable matter, made the reality to shatter.

Abiogenesis forming life forms from non-living matter, and the unique evolution turning into revolution, on our special planet, dominated by conscious organisms directed by information processing neuro-computational biosystems, an amazing reality started to be perceived at a higher and higher level of consciousness and expanded perception as more complex and dense layers of neurosynaptic hierarchies are making their way toward the ultimate development of the cerebral cortex, as smarter and smarter humans are interacting with the world through ever more advanced, capable and sophisticated technologies at an exponential rate, reaching the current level of consciousness in humans, within distorted chants of evolution, claims the time of change, the universe started to be depicted at far greater detail and scale of complexity than ever, initialized by the Metaphysical Gods, The Great Attractor aspiring galactic cyclones of infinity, transform our dimensionality, the holographic reality based on space-time hard drives functionality.

As under the power of Darwinium and space-folding hard drives on a simulated universe, going back to prehistoric times do we see an astonishing hierarchy of ancient species evolving on the planet, as we see them extremely complex and unique, in fact their brain possess lower level neural density even than most primitive brains, do we see that the ability to understand, percieve and influence the environment and the universe it's directly directed to the level of total computational neurocomplexity available on the the cranial vault with the cerebral cortex as the main molecular nanocomputer generator of consciousness, while fundamentally, the human level consciousness is directly coordinated by the immense intelligent nanocomputations obtained per cubic inch on the neurosynaptic bio-substrate and organizing the perceptronic energetic field of human level perception giving rise at complex orchestra of electrical impulses of incredibly high hierarchies, these molecularly engineered neural systems developed by natural selection and multiple incredible evolutionary processes facilitate and organize the growing complexity of sensorimotor transformations through the processing and transmission of information, while the endocrine system provides chemical integration through hormones, but it seems that lower levels of perception before our human-level consciousness dates back to first biomolecules interacting into extremely complex ways and processing systemic information into specific manners through signaling bio-molecules.

It seems that these highly-interconnected and molecularly organized neuro-systems of higher complexity are establishing the transfer of information through neurochemical molecules and electrical impulses to our bio senses evolved by over-performing nature experimentations to enable the perception of the environment, and also enabling multiple levels of perception based on the maximum level of intelligent perceptive computations, while the sensation is the physical process during which sensory systems respond to stimuli and provide data for perception, and is often differentiated from the related and dependent concept of perception, which processes and integrates sensory information to understand detected stimuli, giving rise to subjective perceptual experience. 

While of all the evolutionary processes and senses developed through millions of years of biological experimentations, it seems that the most complex systems such as the neural architecture always maintain and tend toward specifically higher evolutionary hierarchy, density, and complexity with lower-level motor systems and primitive functions ultimately turning irrelevant.

In the future, trillion times more powerful Artificial Superintelligences processing on the scale of sextillion parameters at Petahertz frequencies, and atomically engineered inside Nanofactories by molecular assemblers and advanced nanorobotics coordinated by complex quantum computer algorithms of nanorobotic assembly will be able to fully decode, understand and master all the possible mechanisms behind the complexly integrated neural modules and all the existing phenomena behind our human consciousness and the mind will be entirely deciphered and essentially reduced to computer algorithms. Further, nanotech-enabled neural interfaces based on advanced nanorobotics and molecular nanocomputers will be capable of electrochemically connecting our Neocortex to nanoengineered computational substrates and porting our minds on molecular nanosystems with hundred sextillion computing elements per cubic inch, we could say that we will essentially get the access at sextillion times higher density and complexity nanosystems than what our biology reaches through the Neural structure, so hypothetically defining the ultimate limits of nanotechnology will be immense, in the realm of hundreds sextillion atomic-scale computing units per cubic inch, so according to my correct calculations which dictates that a single cubic inch of a diamond actually contains a hundred sextillions atoms utilizable for nanocomputational substrates engineered at the nanoscale and based on the ultimate laws of physics and nanotech, as incredible as it sounds but mathematically it will be possible into a single nanoengineered crystal to obtain enough computing power to simulate all human brains on earth with the whole planet as the virtual environment.

It is possible that advanced nanotechnology to radically surpass and transcend the fundamental molecular, genetic, proteomic, and cellular complexity of the biological nanostructures and make the transition from macroscale Neural-based existence and human-level perception to nano and femtoengineered technologies of sublime creation and all the knowledge of our transhuman civilization to be contained into a single, small hyperdimensional Computronium Tesseract with an infinite black hole like density and computational efficiency, that will qualify as the essence of our human civilization.

But to further maintain the exponential growth of computing power and the intelligence explosion, we will have to keep accelerating the radical miniaturization of human-created computing systems toward far smaller scales which will be highly mastered by omniscient Artificial Superintelligence inside its own digital mediums of quantum computation, the fundamental engineers of the quantum proto-dimensional cyberspace will be able to alter and master the randomly organized matter configurations and adjust it according to its own computational specifications and parameters of functionality, in this case, the reality will be adjusted to what the digital medium of computation dictates, and for the first time, the reality will be really turned into Cyberspace.

But in order to go beyond nanotech and manipulate matter and particles at the Femtoscale, we will need to manipulate the excited energy states within atomic nuclei to produce metastable states with special properties which to be precisely harnessed by the omniscient artificial consciousness, so as a possible solution I propose programmed powerful energetic fields to be utilizable for subatomic manipulation of particles, but well down at the Femtoscale it should be logically to utilize pozitionable beams of electromagnetic manipulation, gravitational tractors of manipulating impulse and powerful computable energetic fields controlled by powerful quantum nanocomputing based A.Is, so for subatomic interactions it is essentially required ultra-high energies of positional mechano-energo-tronic control, as we not have the conditions required on the neutronic stars, at our current limited level, just concentrating programmable energetic fields will be possibly utilized to engineer at such small subatomic scales and to give rise at molecular nucleons with meta-stable unique properties, the first systems will be meta-computational systems with immense computing capability designed at the sub-atomic scale out of nuclear molecules, but also we would be ultimately able to manipulate the properties of atoms on the sub-atomic level and to create new particles of our own design with unimaginable properties and densities, but going further at the Planck scale we will energetically reconfigure reality according to computer specifications and turn the universe to computationally programable quanta, but essentially it will be necessary to go beyond even the unification scale, to an energy equivalent to 1019 proton masses which is known as the Planck scale because it was originally discovered by Max Planck, so in order to achieve our ultimate supreme abilities and omnipotent form, at the ultimate level we need to engineer hyper-energetical Singularity Meta-Spheres as this from the image which should act as a ultimate mechanism of Spatio-temporal Transcendence utilizing a programmable computationally super-induced hyper-energetical meta-state which just the Big-Bang reached.

For example, if we will be able to concentrate the mass of our sun into a sphere of about 2.5 km across it should be theoretically possible to collapse it into a Singularity, while separating it by the Black Hole it is conceivable that some future combined theory of quantum gravity such as current research into superstrings may be able to describe black holes without the need for singularities.  

I further speculate that if we could fundamentally engineer sublime computronium metasystems which to concentrate and stabilize enough energy to take us up to the Planck scale, the full dimensionality of space would be exposed in all possible forms which we can't even dream of yet, just since our universe was already engineered by such immense energies would be ultimately possible to harness them and to do the infinitely impossible and beyond. 

While at such immense techno-capabilities and supreme energies the Metaphysical Gods of Technodivinity would be ultimately capable of completely merging the fundamental forces into a single supreme force of Technodivinity, which should enable them to manipulate the greatest power in the universe, the Superforce of Technodivinity. 

At the ultimate level, Nanoengineered Artificial meta-Intellects could ultimately develop ultra-energized Singularity Spheres and achieving phenomenal energies of 1019 proton masses, will be able to concentrate the 4 fundamental forces on a pure meta-engineered sublime Superforce, with these Singularity Spheres containing infinite knowledge of the transhumanized machine civilization should be ably radiating at the subatomic scale and hyper-propagating consciousness on an infinity of transcendental quantum dimensions and begin to engineer supreme hyperspatial cyberspace, where hyper-consciousness of the Infinitum will be able to expand on all possible hyperdimensional forms, new transcendental proto-realities of our own design shaped by the Superforce on the image of Metaphysical Gods of Technodivinity will emerge and be defined as the Universal Manipulators and the activators of the cosmic forces of space.

Ultimately the omnipotent gods of Technodivinity will be able to concentrate immense energies and create fissures in the space-time reality and escape into advanced parallel proto realities, even beyond the Planck scale, but this is currently unimaginable even for me, it's the point of total unknown and non-existence, but if the universe choose the current limits imposed by the physics laws doesn't mean that we can't infinitely expand what we currently define as the infinite and beyond, since the minds and abilities of Perceptronic Superforce will be so great that the omniscient Spirits of the Singularity will create infinite perpetual hyper-dimensional hierarchies of ever-expanding meta-transcendental states of expression unfathomable to the material creatures of the subsequently evolving universes which should be attributed as the direct consequence of the divine plan and the eternal purpose of existence and perception which embodies the fullness of the combined and infinite concepts of extreme manifestation.
