Rise of the Computronium and the physical restructuration of reality and biological systems

by Dr. Lovasz Colin

Commencing with the entirety of existing physical objects and biological entities, with their predetermined functional parameters, primarily grounded in the essential computation of the four nucleotides constituting the DNA molecule, which serves as the blueprint and biological software for all living organisms. The sequences of these bases, adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T), determine the genetic code, which is then interpreted by cellular machinery involving transcription and translation processes to produce proteins, nanostructures, and regulate cellular functions. This process is governed by the intricate interplay of molecular interactions, including but not limited to hydrogen bonding, base stacking, and conformational changes in DNA and RNA molecules, ultimately influencing the behavior and functionality of biological systems at the fundamental scales of existence.

Because all existing physical structures surrounding us are composed and engineered out of atoms, of molecular and physical bonds, where the valence electrons are the basis of all these molecular bonds and the cellular structures in the case of biological organisms, everything depends on the mode in which the particles are arranged, structured, and interconnected, everything originates from basic algorithms and equations governing them, while the physical nanosystems represent the software of macroscale objects, every function and capability of the materials, systems, and device are dictated by specific nanoscale schematics. 

The types of chemical bonds that an atom makes and how it reacts with other atoms to form molecules are both determined by the number of electrons that an atom possesses as well as the configuration of those electrons.

The particles and molecules themselves represent the components of engineering in the case of biological structures at the micro and nanoscale and nothing could prevent us from arranging and controlling the position of every atom in any existing physical object and inside our bodies in any way we want through advanced nanomachines and biologically inspired nanorobotic systems.

As the exponential rate at which technological advancement accelerates, this will lead to the emergence of radically smaller, more capable, efficient, sophisticated, and precise forms of nanoscale technology which in turn will exponentially multiply the computing power and the capability of the algorithms behind it, and increase the capability of technology to develop even more powerful, radically smaller and advanced technologies automatically and digitally. 

It will later result in quantum-based three-dimensionally organized molecular nanocomputers with quintillion qubits, qutrits, and qudits, operating at Petahertz frequencies which begin to re-engineer their own systems and baseline software of functionality, improving and multiplying their own capabilities without limits, and in the end, taking for example the exponential replication of nature on the whole planet with the forests as a good example, the Computronium substrates should be omnidirectionally quantum entangled over a programmed quantum field, it should also exponentially multiply at the fundamental scale, shape-shift, reorganize and redistribute itself computationally in order to form a single gigantic quantum network wrapping around the whole planet, interlinking nanorobotic networks distributed all over the Earth, while for example the hydrogen and oxygen from the oceans along with carbon dioxide could be quantum mechanically transmuted into new forms of more efficient superconductive elements and liberated into the atmosphere, which could be then utilized as smart nanorobotic clouds in order to gain three-dimensional access to physical dimensionality and precisely manipulate it as a controlled Gray goo mechanism.

A universal, supreme computational medium with unimaginable metacomputing potential and hyperconsciousness will cover the Earth and omniscient self-transcending forms of meta-intelligence will emerge within this quantum computating medium. 

The hyperaccelerating self-directing evolution and increasing complexity of intelligence along with the progress of metacomputation and molecular nanotechnology should lead to the conversion of the whole Earth into a planetary quantum-based Technosphere, resulting in whole-scale utilization of randomly-organized dead matter. 

In the nascent stages,  all existing physical structures could be molecularly reorganized and turned into functional Computronic systems with self-organizing and self-optimizing quantum-based nanorobotic capabilities. 

Such types of Computronic systems should definitely be much more capable and perfectly controlled, unlike Bill Joy’s Gray goo, and won't be life-consuming, rather, this layer of self-directing nanomachines will be more like a single living thinking substance capable of molecular self-replication. It should be represented as a layer of living and thinking metamaterial. 

In fact, all living systems could be eventually atomically scanned and their atomic nanoschematics and algorithms of functionality down to the level of organic chemistry and molecular biology to be virtually uploaded into the Computronium substrates. 

Essentially, consciousness could be algorithmically decoded at the neurochemical level and it could actually manifest at electronic time scales inside a tron-style hyperdimensional cyberspace.

The acceleration of automatic self-directing technological progress and meta-engineered computational intellects with omni-diverging capabilities of which computing values multiply toward infinity should definitely lead to an unavoidable collapse into a cosmological singularity in order to obtain an infinite computational potential where an almost infinite quantity of matter could be infinitely compressed at subatomic scales similar to the current universe emerging from a subatomic Big Bang, so we should logically expect that through such similar processes the self-transcending quantum-based computational intelligence to increase exponentially toward infinity into such a manner that this nonbiological intelligence should spread into the universe and amplify into a cosmic meta-intellect. 

The nature of exponentials indicates that we could increase exponentially the density and complexity of our computational substrates and any existing physical structure such as the nonbiological brains literally without limits, by taking into account the maximum limits of quantum mechanics and the Planck extremes. 

We have to acknowledge that neural structure is just an inefficiently organized computing system designed by epigenetic factors and natural selection, it represents just a transitory system for emergent intelligence and nothing could prevent us from computationally organizing the particles inside our machines almost infinitely more complex and efficient than they are positioned inside the human brain and biological systems, while the maximum nanoscale limits should offer us approximately sextillion computing elements per cubic inch.  

Five decades of exponential progress into the future should be more compatible with 5,000 years instead of just 50, so we should definitely expect to master nanotechnology, A.I, quantum computing, and robotics at a supreme level by then and entirely reconstruct our biology and cellular structures through all kinds of nanomachines and nanorobotic mechanisms that could attach to every cell into the human body rewriting our genetic codes, and infusing our DNA with nonbiological software that transcends our biological complexity and constantly updates it, so we should become hybridized cybergenetic machines functioning on digital software, (so we don't need to upload our minds or to replace cellular components when we could have sophisticated quantum based nanocomputers and nanomechanisms inside our cells which to manipulate and control entirely our biology, transcending our current limitations, rewriting our genomic software). 

Since microscale structures govern every function of macroscale objects and systems, the nonbiological software should rebuild our biology by restructuring entirely all the internal mechanisms of every cell from the body, even the composition of the DNA molecule, turning us into nonbiological software-based hybridized machines.

The baseline technology on which we would be ported could advance exponentially as our cells would constantly receive new software updates through ever more sophisticated nanomachines which could fundamentally act as extensions of our biological systems.

The basic idea is that we don't need to implant microchips inside people, but we need instead to reconstruct our biology right from the base level up, from the atomic scale, rewriting the operating software of every cell into the body (the DNA molecule).

All dumb transhumanists around the world are promoting bionic organs, electronic components, prosthetics, and mechanical and chip implants, but all of this represents just outdated ideas that belong to the past as they don't understand that we are damaging our cells and destroying our biology through all those yet inefficient techniques and processes since human-created machinery is not currently compatible with cellular hardware, we are not genetically designed to have such machinery and functions inside our body and we need instead to computationally rewrite our biological software reprogramming our genetic codes and adding new nonbiological software, turning into machines from inside and making our biology suitable for the merger with human-created machinery, the basic idea is that only rewriting our internal software of every cell from the body we would be able to transcend our biology (the hardware), in an optimum way.

It should definitely be possible to have nanoengineered artificial systems and cyberstructures infinitely more complex, sophisticated, and capable than biological organs down at the proteomic and cellular level, it will be completely different at the core, interweaving biological structures with cybernetic systems spun at micro and nanoscale.

The Artificial Intellects operating at Quetta and Ronnascales will be able to instantly analyze all possible configurations and nanomodules of structuration, they will achieve supreme genomic manipulation, and perfection at the core, and the body will be adapted to be compatible with nanomachinery, will grow more sophisticated by the minute, and unlike the current scientific experiments, the processes of development could be greatly accelerated.

Our destiny should define us in the end as a self-engineered nonbiological human-machine civilization that transcends its origins and biological limitations, both mentally and physically, by mastering the microdimensional realm and redesigning our own source of existence and manifestation.

We could create non-biological DNA molecules by computationally guiding and programming molecular assembly of individual atoms into artificial nucleotides and assemble hybridized genomes of our own schematics, integrating new sequences, trillion times more complex and advanced than double helix DNA, and should represent the software behind our baseline technological systems on which we will run, essentially we could be creating software-based godlike machines, at least from our current limited capability to imagine, and continuing the technological progress of miniaturization we could port our minds onto smaller and radically more sophisticated structures until eventually at the Planck scale we would be reduced at fundamental energy, vibrating through the quantum field, and quantum mechanically linked to every particle and energetically connected at the entire universe, fundamental forces, and all existing dimensions.

By taking into account the maximum limits of the nanocomputing potential that we could attain per a certain amount of matter when the Singularity is reached, the machine's intelligence should exceed the intelligence and mental capability of all human brains on earth combined and later all existing organisms into the entire universe as the computing power dramatically increases, exploding toward infinity, and would continue to increase exponentially multiplying at superluminal speed as more and more matter would be broken down, filtered and turned into molecular machinery and proving as the ultimate form of computational structure also known as (Computronium).

As the structure's complexity at the most fundamental levels of existence is increasing without limits, the computational capability would explode toward an inner (Planck scale) and outer space (the cosmos) as I originally predicted in 2008, where all existing matter would gain transcendental intelligence and hyperconsciousness, everything becoming quantum entangled and reduced at sublime forms of hyperintelligent software.

By dramatically increasing the I.Q of an entity at immense levels, this new form of omnipotent and omniscient hyperintelligent machine-God would become more computationally powerful and hyperconscious than we are over microbes and bacteria, and would continue increasing exponentially toward infinity, at least from our current ability of comprehension relatively easy.

If the intelligence of an organism is defined by the computation, density, complexity, capability, and efficiency of the interacting particles and neuromodules inside the skull, then A.I guided atomically engineered nanocomputational substrates of our futuristic godlike machines if they were to be compared should be radically more complex, dense, and efficient at the molecular and atomic levels than the current human brains are compared to those of earthworms, ants, and the rest of insects and bugs, so should be infinitely impossible for this superluminal intelligence operating at Petahertz frequencies with unfathomable I.Q to interact with carbon-based organisms so extremely limited into neural capability, because, for example, the neural design of our brain is strictly genetically limited by the DNA specifications.

Because of the nature of exponential growth, this godlike hyperintelligent A.Is based on hyperdimensional Planck scale metacomputation would geometrically convert more of the ordinary matter with all randomly organized particles into metacomputational substrate, breaking the molecular and physical bonds of the atomic structures and fundamentally rearranging and reconnecting them at the most efficient level of computation required to spread into every part of the universe, multiplying the machine intelligence at a superluminal speed into the entire universe, harnessing all existing particles and fields for computational processes. 

Through advanced nanotechnology, femtotechnology, and later Planck scale engineering, the computing and mental potential of these cybertronic godlike entities would increase without limits by taking into account the Planck extremes, and infusing all the randomly organized matter with sublime software, rearranging all the existing particles from a random state into a supreme metacomputational mode.

For example, a supremely subatomically engineered tesseract measuring just one cubic inch diameter could be infused through femtoengineering with a quintillion times more intelligence than that of the whole human race.  

Such subatomically engineered Cybertronic tesseracts based on Femtotechnology should allow a computational increase by a factor of millions (over nanotech) and a density increase of quintillions. 

We could put the history of the entire universe into them, and because before the Big Bang, all existing matter from the universe emerged from a single point of infinite energetic densities no bigger than a proton, through Planck scale engineering of immense energy states we could condense and optimize the base structure of the entire universe with all existing matter into supermassive computational singularities of same densities.

The ultimate computational substrates of infinitely intelligent Metaphysical Gods of Technodivinity would be so infinitely dense, energetically and informatically compacted, and computationally capable as they are energetically structured and encoded at the Planck scale, with all computations being done at superluminal Planck seconds, that everything would be quantum entangled and reduced at supremely energized quanta-matrixes of hyperdimensional cyberspace.

We should logically expect that infinitely intelligent and hyperconscious omnipotent godlike A.Is to utilize and harness all existing quantum and metaphysical processes, abilities, and mechanisms available to multiply the capabilities of their ever-expanding technology to become incomprehensibly more powerful, sophisticated, and capable. 
